
Blah Blah Blah, 25 things

Well, I suppose I should do this junk because lots of people I know have done it and I couldn't figure out what to post on my blog today!

1. I want children a lot more than my wife does
2. I sometimes get anxious about totally irrational things (i.e. I used to get really anxious thinking that someday in the future I might go crazy...)
3. I hate buying store-brand stuff at the grocery store (even though logically I think it's probably about the same as the name-brands)
4. I get really upset that people do things to hurt others without cause or reason
5. I could literally do nothing for an entire week but play video games
6. I'm usually happy when Danica is occupied with friends or other activities so that I have time to alone to myself, but if she's gone for very long, I get really lonely
7. I very rarely call anyone "just to talk" and I feel bad about it
8. I get excited when I'm programming and I think I'm most serene while I'm doing it (aka solving logical problems)
9. I got a sort of "minor" in philosophy (with engineering majors, we can't technically get a minor)
10. I believe in evolution, I also believe God designed evolution
11. My political views lean more toward Republican than I will ever admit to anyone (FYI, I still hate the party system more than anything else in politics)
12. I've never voted and I don't feel bad about it (maybe if I lived in a swing state...)
13. I will NEVER serve in any branch of any country's armed forces, but I would fight to death to save any of my closest friends/family
14. I love to cook, but have very rarely followed a recipe to the letter
15. I would love to do voice acting for animation/video games if I could
16. I can do (decent) impressions of: Mr. Bean, Kermit the Frog, and Mickey Mouse, as well as many different accents. I practice doing these when I'm alone.
17. I'm unashamedly a fanboy. The things I'm fanboyish about (Star Wars, Star Trek, Final Fantasy, Mega Man, Sonic the Hedgehog), I find the good in every part of it and don't criticize like most. (YES, that does mean I liked the Prequels, get over it)
18. I get obsessed with stories, I can't stop until I have the full story whether it's a comic book or video game series or the entire Star Wars Expanded Universe, I'm obsessed with knowing every intricacy of the universe in which the stories are set.
19. Bad grammar grates at me like nails on a chalkboard
20. I hate looking stupid so much that if you ask me if I've seen/heard of/know of something, I'll immediately say yes or nod, then if I have to confirm something about it, I'll nod along until I cannot maintain the facade any longer. I know, I know, this makes me look even more stupid
21. I love making lists of things. I have lists of books I've read, books to read, video games I've beaten, comic books I own, video games I want to play and what order to play them in, etc.
22. My driving philosophy is summed up easily: go when you can, stop when you must, 10mph over the limit isn't speeding, follow ALL traffic laws including BLINKERS(!!!!!), stay in the right lane until you need to pass someone, as long as you're going faster than the person you're passing on the left, there is no cause for anyone behind you to get mad, and, finally, do not let people out, go, or walk by because it only slows things down, they will go when they get their chance!
23. I'm incredible forgetful, I will go upstairs to get something and forget what it is by the time I reach the top of the stairs
24. I have a raging temper that I keep in control 99.999% of the time, if you know my dad, this is an inherited trait
25. I could probably do 100 things instead of 25, but no one will read them, so I won't


First Blog

This is my first blog since, well, I think Freshman year of college (man that shouldn't seem like it was so long ago). A lot has happened since those days, but I'm not here to chronicle the past. Rather I will look to the future and see what's out there to come. Geez, that's cheesy; the only reason I'm not backspacing is because I need something to put in this first post and anything's better than nothing at this point.

I suppose I'll pop out a few "currently"s to begin this new blog (ya know...to fill some more space).


Gaming (console):
Little Big Planet
I'm just casually playing this right now... I plan on going back and getting all the goodies sometime later (maybe if Holland will come help me get all of the 2 player junk)

Gaming (PC):
Fallout 3
Currently Level 13 on this game (max 20), just finished "The Replicated Man" and "The Wasteland Survival Guide" quests. I like to focus on computer hacking and energy weapons :).

Gaming (Handheld):
Final Fantasy IV
On this one, you get three playthroughs before you can't save after the final boss. The only thing that carries over to the next playthrough is abilities and ONE UNIQUE SET OF EQUIPMENT. Unfortunately the pieces of this set are a pain in the ass to collect and take hours of grinding (thank goodness for the auto-battle). SO, I'm working on getting 2 Red Tails so I can get the best weapon for my two Damage Dealers on my first playthrough.

Star Wars: Coruscant Nights I: Jedi Twilight
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