
Top 5 Best and Worst TV moments of 2009


I'll put some white space because there are biiiig spoilers below. Also, this only covers the TV shows I watch...so nah!

5 Best TV Moments
5. Fringe Finale: Peter Bishop's otherworldliness
At the last scene of the first season of Fringe, we see Walter Bishop (main character) crying in front of his son (Peter Bishop)'s grave indicating he died years before. The only conclusion: Walter stole his son from an alternate universe to replace the one that died! Oh, and guest star: LEONARD NIMOY :).

4. Scrubs: Ted Jams to a little "Hey Ya"
The whole Jamaica two-parter was pretty good (I loved the Brady Bunch Tiki idol thingie), but during the marriage of the Janitor (Glenn Matthews, apparently ((or is it Tommy something...))) and Lady, Ted, the lovable dullard and musician, breaks out with an insipiring cover of Outkast's "Hey Ya." I nearly burst a stitch because it fit so perfectly in Scrubs fashion. Hats off to a great series.

3. Lost: Hurley attempts to preemptively write "The Empire Strikes Back"
Through a strange turn of events, the castaways (well, half of them anyway) from Lost get transported backwards in time to 1977 where they carve out a life among the denizens of that era. Hurley (the de facto nerd of the crew) decides that he's going to write "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes" back before George Lucas finishes it and make a few improvements. I thought this was a classic moment :)

2. House: "I see dead people"
Imminent Diagnostitian Gregory House has always been a little out there, but when he starts hallucinating that Wilson's dead girlfriend is hovering around helping him solve cases, things go a little wacky. To top things off, he finally sleeps with Lisa Cuddy only to find out that he hallucinated the whole night! Now, House is taking his issues to rehab to finally get off of his Vicoden addiction (and hopefully not discover that he has Schizofrenia). Great stuff.

1. The Office finale: Pam's got one in the oven
Well, I knew coming into this episode that there was supposed to be a huge twist coming, but I had no idea (until I put together that there was a big twist and Jim and Pam were in a hospital, yeah I called it a few seconds before ;). The thing I love about the Office is that it's hilarious, watchable, and doesn't contain the D-A-M-N drama that most shows find a necessity to keep people watching. Every single viewer wants Pam and Jim to stay together and they don't screw things up by adding unnecessary drama to the equation with this one! That's why it's number 1. :)

5 Worst TV Moments
5. Fringe: Need to defrag your episode schedule!
Fringe had an awesome first season, but I had to get back into it 4 or 5 times because they kept putting large breaks in between contiguous episodes. Why? I guess because they had production or actor problems, but come on Fox, get it together. I loved this show, but next season, they better keep it more together. There were several times I had to look up characters because I'd forgotten what they'd done!

4. Lost: What's Destiny got to do with it?
Can you change the future from the past? You can't? Ok...no wait, you can? Alright. Make up your mind Lost!!! I've grown tired of the tangents this show goes on about destiny and the future and the Island wanting this or that; I wish they'd just explain some things and get it out in the open. I suppose with next season being the last, that's exactly what will happen. But if it doesn't...that would suck.

3. House: Aloha (in the goodbye sense) Kutner
This wasn't badly done by the producers of the show, it was just horrific enough to make the list. I couldn't believe that he committed suicide, it sort of shocked me (relatively, of course since it is just a show) that his character was just gone. So, the past two season's we've had huge deaths on House, maybe next season will have a more upbeat ending (like Season 2 where House's pain magically disappeared).

2. Heroes: Out of their minds? Or out of budget?
It's likely that most Heroes watchers will agree that volume four really made up for all of the crapola in volumes 2 and 3, and the season finale had the potential to be a really great ending to a supurb volume. And it was really for the most part, except for one teeny, tiny thing...THEY LEFT OUT THE FIGHT BETWEEN NATHAN, PETER, AND SYLAR. Why oh why? The camera shoves Claire outside of the door and we see lights flashing inside. They let the fight happen completely off-camera. I was fuming at the end of that scene. With such a production-intensive show, they needed to at least give us something of that potentially earth-shattering fight. But no, nothing... Maybe NBC will give them a bigger budget for next season's finale *grumble, grumble*.

1. American Idol: Cross-dressing queens can be Johnny Cash? *cold shiver*
"Ring of Fire" anyone? Mr. Cash rolling over in his grave, coming back to life, seeing American Idol, and dying again from the shock and despair? Yeah that about sums it up. Wearing more makeup than Dolly Parton and the Girls Next Door combined and giving the rhinestone more screen time than a documentary on Rio's Carnival, Adam Lambert gave me a headache every time he got on the stage. And when he butchered Cash's "Ring of Fire", I couldn't stand it anymore. When he lost in the finale, my soul smiled a little.